Digitalna obrada signala u sintezi sistema za zaštitu informacija

Project duration: 2011-2019

Project code: TR 32054

Project coordinator: Singidunum University

Participants from Singidunum University: Milan Milosavljević


This project is devoted to development of systems for digital signal processing which satisfy the requirements arising from new trends in information security in modern computer and communications systems. Special care will be given to the development and implementation of four classes of security systems: system for extraction of cryptographic keys from biometric signals of the iris, speech, finger prints and images of faces (KEB – Key Extraction from Biometrics), system for extraction of cryptographic keys on the basis of mutual randomness originated from the physical layer of wired and wireless communication networks (KECR – Key Extraction from Common Randomness), systems for the control of the distribution of digital content and hidden transmission of information (DDCH – Digital Distribution Control and Hiding) and system for intrusion detection in computer networks based on biologically inspired algorithms for detection of anomalies in behavior (BIIDS – Biologically Inspired Intrusion Detection Systems). Common methodological framework for development of these systems are application of advanced signal processing methods, cryptology, steganography and biometrics, leading to a significant increase in quality and reliability of basic security services, such as secrecy, non – repudiation, authentication and integrity.

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