Project CareerS is focused on development of career guidance in higher education as an integral part of development of system of career guidance in Serbia. Specific objectives of project are: Development of Program of Career Information, Guidance and Education aiming to increase youth employability, Enabling wider accessibility and variety of programs in Career guidance at Higher Education Institutions, Raising the level of recognizing importance of Career Guidance by the policy makers and other stake holders and Development of Career Guidance Programme for Youth and Methodology for CGC centres at Serbian HE institution.
Through this project, we will try to contribute to the implementation of certain measures and activities of the National Strategy of career guidance and counselling which are primarily related to students. The document itself represents an important strategic framework and a platform for institutionalization, sustainability and further development and promotion of CGC in Serbia. Readiness of the State to be more actively involved in dealing with career guidance system and the establishment of centres of the state universities that work since 2006. represent a suitable basis to integrate “bottom-up” and “top-down” processes in order to strengthen links between policy and practice in the area of career guidance.
Direct benefit of the project will have students, universities, academic staff, employers and policy makers.