Author Archives: pro_adm19
All-Optical Reservoir Computer Architecture based on Laser Bistability
Project title: All-Optical Reservoir Computer Architecture based on Laser Bistability
Acronym: ORCA-LAB
Project code: 7750121
Funded under Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Program IDEJE
Duration: January 20, 2022 – January 19, 2024
Project budget: 32,031,400.90 RSD
Institutions participating in the project: University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering; Singidunum University
Project participants from Singidunum University: Lidija Barjaktarović
Tourism Destination Competitiveness – Evaluation Model for Serbia
Project title: Tourism Destination Competitiveness - Evaluation Model for Serbia
Project code: 7739076
Funded under Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Program IDEJE
Duration: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024
Project budget: 22,987,000.40 RSD
Institutions participating in the project: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences; Singidunum University
Project participants from Singidunum University: Danijel Pavlović, Nemanja Stanišić, Slobodan Čerović, Tijana Radojević, Aleksa Panić
Naziv projekta: Konkurentnost turističke destinacije - Evaluacioni model za Srbiju (Tourism Destination Competitiveness - Evaluation Model for Serbia )
Akronim projekta: TOURCOMSERBIA
Projektni kod: 7739076
Finansirano od Fonda za nauku Republike Srbije, Program IDEJE
Trajanje projekta: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024.
Projektni budžet: 22,987,000.40 RSD
Institucije učesnici na projektu: Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu; Univerzitet Singidunum
Učesnici na projektu sa Univerziteta Singidunum: Danijel Pavlović, Nemanja Stanišić, Slobodan Čerović, Tijana Radojević, Aleksa Panić
DECIDE – Decentralized Machine Learning Control for Intelligent Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems
Acronym: DECIDETitle: Decentralized Machine Learning Control for Intelligent Multi-Agent Dynamical SystemsProject duration: December, 15 2020 – December, 14 2022
Project code: 6524745
Project coordinator: Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia
Participants from Singidunum University: Miloš Stanković, Marko Tanasković, Jelena Gavrilović and Aleksa Ćuk
COST CA 19130 – Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance – Towards a transparent financial industry
More information: At this link.
Project duration: 2020-2024
Project coordinator: Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Participants from Singidunum University: Lidija Barjaktarović, Tamara Vesić
Proteini zastupljeni u kasnoj embriogenezi: strukturna karakterizacija i interakcija sa α-sinukleinom
Naziv projekta: Proteini zastupljeni u kasnoj embriogenezi: strukturna karakterizacija i interakcija sa α-sinukleinom
Projektni kod: 6039663
Trajanje projekta: 14.07.2020. - 13.07.2022.
Učesnici u projektu: Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetički inženjering, Institut za multidisplinarna istraživanja, Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet Singidunum
ATLAS – Artificial Intelligence Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Spatio – Temporal Modelling of Data and Processes
Duration: September, 1st 2020 – August 31st 2022
Grant No.: 6524105
Funded under Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Program for Development of Projects in the Field of Artificial Intelligence
Project budget: € 200,000.00
Coordinated by: Prof. Endre Pap, Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia
Participants Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia | Institute of Physics Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
COST: CA19128 – Pan-European Network for Climate Adaptive Forest Restoration and Reforestation (PEN-CAFoRR)
“Razmena iskustava Višegradskih zemalja u aktivnostima izbegavanja plaćanja poreza”/Experience-sharing of Visegrad countries to tax avoid activity – Visegrad Fund/
Broj projekta: 22010083
Finansiran/podržan: grant International Visegrad
Vremensko trajanje projekta: 1. oktobar 2020. godine - 31. mart 2022. godine.
Partneri na projektu: Wroclaw University of Economics, Wroclaw, Poljska (nosilac projekta), Mendel University Brno, University of Presov, University of Debrecen, Ambis College Češka, AAP Poljska i Univerzitet Singidunum Beograd.
Učesnici projekta US: Goranka Knežević, Lidija Barjaktarović, Vule Mizdraković, Ivica Terzić, Marko Milojević
Real-time control and optimization for smart factories and advanced manufacturing
Project duration: 2019-2021
Project coordinator: Polytecnico di Milano & Singidunum University
Participants from Singidunum University: Fagiano Lorenzo, Tanasković Marko
Abstract: The research activity is in the framework of a three-years-long international collaboration project between Italy and Serbia, co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The goal of the project is to develop and test advanced techniques to optimally manage and control manufacturing plants in real-time. Sophisticated dynamical models of manufacturing plants will be developed and used to deploy Model Predictive Control systems able to schedule and adjust in real time the plant production, considering altogether the order forecasts, system constraints, and efficiency (throughput) maximization. Advanced condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, reconfiguration, and fault detection schemes will be developed as well and merged in the optimal real-time decisioning system. The methodology will include theoretical activities, software implementation, and numerical and experimental tests, using a test-bed already available. The activities will be in close collaboration among three partners: the Politecnico di Milano and the National Research Council in Italy, and Singidunum University in Serbia. The expected scientific/technical results are innovative techniques to boost productivity and efficiency in smart factories.
COST: CA18102 – The European Aquatic Animal Tracking Network
Project duration: 2019-2023
Project coordinator: Flanders Marine Institute, Oostende, Belgium
Participants: Jan Reubens, Slađana Spasić
CASPER Children Agents for Secure and Privacy Enhanced Reaction Cascading project
- O Mundo da Carolina - Associação de Apoio a Crianças e Jovens, Portugal
- Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University, Skopje (FINKI), North Macedonia
COST: CA16208 – Knowledge conversion for enhancing management of European riparian ecosystems (CONVERGES)
Ekoremedijacija degradiranih prostora produkcijom agroenergetskih useva
Računaj na podršku
Project duration: 2018-2019
Project code:TFOA2080,P154862
Project coordinator: Consortium consisting of: Consortium leader: Pricewaterhouse Coopers d.o.o.Belgrade, Consortium members: Singidunum University, Pricewaterhouse Coopers Auditing Ltd. Hungary and AARC Ltd.
Participants from Singidunum University: Zoran Petrović, Marko Milojević Lidija Barjaktarović, Nemanja Stanišić, Kosana Vićentijević, Goranka Knežević, Vule Mizdraković.
This project is financed by the Government of Switzerland for the implementation of the Road to Europe-Program of Accounting Reform and Institutional Strengthening (REPARIS), managed by the World Bank and it is a part of Serbia Technical Assistance for Reform of Corporate Financial Reporting Project.
The project beneficiary, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, has chosen a Consortium consisting of PwC d.o.o.Belgrade, Singidunum University, PwC Auditing Ltd. Hungary and AARC Ltd. to be a Consultant for training in application and use IFRSs, IFRSs for SMEs and ISA.
Consultancy services include:
- Preparation, development and implementation of professional training courses on IFRS and IFRS for SMEs.
- Preparation, development and implementation of comprehensive training program for the use ISAs;
- Preparation and organization of events, campaigns and similar
activities for investors, lenders, creditors and other stakeholders, aimed at raising knowledge and awareness of the importance of good corporate financial reporting.
All trainings and events will be conducted in Serbian and in the territory of theRepublic of Serbia.
More information